Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas Reflections & Caroline

I have experienced the Christmas story differently this year. I've experienced it as a proud father of a new born child. I marveled this year as I read through the entire Christmas story in the Gospel of Matthew, especially that of the journeys Joseph, Mary & Jesus had to make together.

My wife & I loaded up our daughter and made two separate journeys to the grandparent's homes to celebrate Caroline's first Christmas. These two journeys were much different than Jesus' early family journeys, for instance we drove an automobile vs. riding a donkey for hundreds/thousands of miles. I better appreciate the challenges, the family moments and the deep love that existed between Joseph, Mary & Jesus as they made their way to and from Egypt fleeing from Herod's wrath.

On another level, I also found a new appreciation for Joseph & Mary's ability to act on God's request of them. God asks them to do some crazy things that put both Joseph and Mary's reputations on the line in their community. Mary agrees to be a faithful servant and to take care of the Christ child. Joseph agrees to wed Mary and treat Jesus as his own. An then if that wasn't enough, they are called upon to make the long and dangerous journey to/from Egypt.

This makes me ponder how well we listen to God and are willing to act on what God requests of us? Are we willing to listen to God and if so are we willing to act when the requests get out of our comfort zones?

These are a few of my thoughts for the journey this year in 2008.